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Running the TurtleBot Simulator

Description: This tutorials demonstrates how to start the TurtleBot simulator and drive the TurtleBot in simulation.

Keywords: simulation, TurtleBot

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Roslaunch the Simulation

To start the TurtleBot simulator, simply roslaunch the TurtleBot in to an empty world:

  • roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_empty_world.launch

You will see a gazebo window appear with a TurtleBot loaded.


Command the TurtleBot

Let's command the TurtleBot to drive in a circle:

  • rostopic pub -r 5 cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist '[0.1, 0, 0]' '[0, 0, 0.2]'

The above command publishes the twist command at a rate of 5Hz because the TurtleBot will timeout a velocity command if it does not receive a new command with in 0.6 seconds of the last command.

Alternatively you can use interactive markers to drive the TurtleBot by following this tutorial: turtlebot_interactive_markers/Tutorials/UsingTurtlebotInteractiveMarkers.

Continue to the next tutorial: Building a Map in TurtleBot Simulator

Wiki: turtlebot_simulator/Tutorials/fuerte/Running the Simulator (last edited 2013-08-14 00:10:05 by MarcusLiebhardt)